Monday, 9 May 2011

27 days, 12 hours, 13 minutes

until I am free forever from the tyranny of higher education.
Unless of course I choose to do a masters one day.

I have a loooong list of things I am going to do when I am liberated to do what I want to do. Here's just a few things:

- work my way through the BBC's list of 100 books.
- sign up to lovefilm. Then watch LOADS OF FILMS.
- SEWING TABLE. eeeeeeeeeeeee
- bake loads again, I miss it.
- paint.
- play the sims 3.
- kick my facebook addiction.
- play the keyboard.
- crochet.
- darn my socks.
- grow some food.
- exercise.
- play scrabble.
- do some d.i.y.
- fix and clean my car.
- alphabetise my DVDs.
- decorate some mugs.
- have a party

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