I searched www.onelook.com to try and find a word that describes how I feel today. Here are a selection of the words that came up:
spiny lobster
graphic organisers
brain truster
backroom boy
Not to mention, rock lobster, selenogaster and euphonium.
I don't think I feel like any of these things. Maybe a barge.
Such silliness!
Update on my 100 books quest: I finished Harry Potter five yesterday Just six and seven to go on that one. I seem to have a lot of free time lately so those shouldn't take me long.
I need to cut my nails, it's hard to type.
I have cut my nails.
I tried again to search for a word for how I feel, which is different to earlier, in fact now I just feel fed up. So this is what I searched for in an attempt to find a better word. This is the best ten answers:
1. river
2. sleek
3. corn-fed
4. fodder
5. caspian sea
6. gorged
7. sated
8. sick
9. winter
10. grass
11. cdc
12. satiate
13. acorned
14. agnelet
15. amplifier
16. chocker
17. disgusted
18. greenspan
19. high-fed
20. ireful
Yep. I feel acorned.
That is exactly how I feel.
I tried to get out of the house, but alas here are my obstacles:
1. I have very few friends after spending much of my time burning bridges.
2. I have very little money.
3. The weather is shit.
4. My motivation to move my lardy arse from this sofa is minimal.
bherbf3f yef eyrgyg ergrigb eugh
Looks like I will be spending the rest of the summer rebuilding some of the bridges I burned, and earning money. Not much I can do about the weather, so I might just go buy some wellies with that money I will be earning. I might even take a friend with me to help choose a nice patterned welly (first time I wrote that I typoed "willy" and I chuckled) when I've finished the bridge related construction work.
Meh. I hate days like these.
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