Monday, 4 July 2011

I don't know how we woke up one day somehow thought we knew exactly what we're supposed to do.

I have decided to start drawing again.
I like it.
I'm not brilliant at it yet. I've been drawing stuff on and off for years, and now I have time I want to get good at it because it's nice being able to look at somethign you've done and feel proud.
Today I have drawn some pictures...

The t-rex wasn't really a serious attempt... I just felt like drawing a t-rex.
Also, I hate my scanner. It scans all the shading wrong.

I've done that thing where the title of the blog post has nothing to do with the main topic of the blog.
It's just a song I really like.

I also have some thoughts.
I've been feeling pretty shitty recently because lots of my friends are/have buggered off. I found out yesterday that one of my good friends of moving home and I felt sad. But then after some thinking and then some sleep and them some more thinking, I realised that I need to take my own goddamn advice. One of my other friends was thinking about moving back home a few months ago (he didn't, but we had the conversation), and I got really shitty because I was insisting that no matter where you live if you care about people enough you WILL SEE THEM, you will keep in touch, and it doesn't matter about the distance. He insisted that that was idealistic blah blah blah and I went to bed because I was annoyed. Anyway. If I believe what I told him, then why I am upset that my friends are leaving? I'll still see them. It will be an adventure and it'll be fabulous because going the distance to see someone is kinda special right?
So I don't feel quite as miserable about this whole thing anymore.
To quote the Plain White Tees "A thousand miles seems pretty far but they've got planes and trains and cars..." and my friends haven't even moved a thousand miles.
Everything will be okay.


Something else...
I've been looking at the stats for this blog and there's something that confuses me. (This is for all time by the way, not just this post, I'm not that popular!)

I don't know anyone in the US, Germany, Singapore, Indonesia, Iran, UAE, or Canada. And pretty much all my traffic comes from Facebook.
All I can think of to explain this is that someone has something unusal going on with their IP address because that's how it knows what country you live in.

Thought I'd share that mystery with everyone. If anyone can shed some light, let me know.

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