Tuesday, 5 July 2011

A swan can break a man's arm you know

Yesterday, after I had spent my morning productively(?) surfing the internet and drawing stuff, I went and fed the swans with Connie and Tasha and it was nice. The sky was blue and the sun was shining. I don't really like swans, they scare me, but it was lovely sitting by the water, despite its brown colour, and Tasha's view  of "I don't like it, it's messy". We fed sour fruit pastilles to the swans and discovered that swans do not like sour fruit pastilles.

 On the way back Connie and I had a nice time playing on the springy things in a really shitty children's park where druggies probably hang out a lot. We're not druggies though, just people in our twenties that decided we'd forego this whole growing up lark that other, more boring people go on about. It was super fun, though we couldn't go down the slide in case someone had taken a wee down it. Yuk.

I don't want to ever be a grown up. And I've decided to be LESS BORING because I'm BORED of being BORING and I feel like I've wasted so much time doing BORING things like being on Facebook all the time, or watching Jeremy Kyle, or talking to BORED people about my BORING life. And I'm going to take more chances. I've wasted too much time being BORING and never taking a chance on anything, I could have missed out some really cool stuff. Life won't just sit and wait for me, things change and people move on before you even got around to appreciating what you had if you're BORING like me and stuck inside your own head all the time. I need to stop obsessively purging my friends as well. It's kinda shit.

I got home and very responsibly drank some gin, because the tonic was getting old and I didn't want it to go to waste.


I missed the bottom stair when I was dashing to the kitchen and got a carpet burn. I severely burnt my mushrooms. I grated my hand. I generally tripped, walked into things, hurt myself on many occasions. Moreso than usual.

Oh yeah, and I've spent all my money so now I'm poor for the next 4 weeks =(  I shall have to indulge in simple pleasures instead of heavy drinking, which is no bad thing. My liver will thank me.

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