I feel like I should be going back to school.
Really. After spending my whole life in education so far, it feels plain wrong to not be going back to school/college/uni. I keep thinking about "when I go back" and then realising that... I'm not. I get to be a grown up working in a job I don't find fulfilling, ever waiting for the next pay day. I don't want to live for pay day. I don't want to live for my days off. I want to enjoy my job again, but it's so damn frustrating sometimes, and the rest of the time it's just crap.
It's all the little things. Take bin bags for instance. It took me ages to force everyone to use clear bags for the sake of recycling and such like. I went to work the other day to find that after months of using clear bags, there were black bags in the bins. This means that none of the waste can be recycled as food waste, since that needs to be in clear bags.
That was smart.
I'm fed up with fighting losing battles. I feel like when it comes to the environment and green stuff I'm in fucking Vietnam. That's not a good way to feel. I'm also fed up with being a brat, being negative, ranting at everyone, almost swearing at customers. I'm not a negative person! I don't GET stressed easily! So why is this happening to me?!
I got new shoes! They didn't look like the picture. But I liked them better than the ones in the picture, so I got lucky really. It rained the other day, and my feet stayed dry! That was good.
I also am on the final Harry Potter book, then I can cross the Harry Potter series off my book list! That was quite a big one to start with. It has made me relate a lot of things in life to Harry Potter. For instance, everyone's been feeling really down lately, and my explanation was that the dementors were about. I said we need to fight Lord Voldermort. If only it were that simple.
Better go check on my food, I smell burning.
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