Monday, 14 November 2011

here's a fun fact: windows can go mouldy.

I've not posted in over a month. That's not because I've not had anything to talk about, I'm just a bit lazy sometimes. I have been a bit busy too.
I'm coming to the end of a couple of weeks off work. It has been a fabulous two weeks.

I saw Evanescence, and I met AMY LEE! Squuuuueeeee! So yeah, that was a lot awesome! And was drinking like hooligans in a shopping centre, and cause it was London I was determined not to break the seal as that would have been expensive (annoyingly you have to pay for toilets in London).

I can't bloody type anymore. I've been away for a few days, in London again (my mother thinks that I'm rich because I've been making lots of trips. I'm not rich, in fact I'm quite poor after so much gallavanting). I've not done a lot of sleeping, I have drunk a lot of wine, and I can feel my brain cells dying as I'm sat here typing.

I can't remember what I  normally blog about. Last night I was supposed to sleep but I ate roast and got drunk instead. Then today I was supposed to sleep, but then I got HUGE breakfast from spoons with Beckoi and Teff. It was totally worth it. Beckoi got some more metal in her ears and it looks well nice. I am jealous, as my job does not allow for me to have any more metal in my ears. I nearly typed eyes instead of ears. I would not like metal in my eyes, nor would my job permit it.

Even now I am home, I felt lonely so instead of sleeping, which would have been logical, I washed mould off my windows =/. I had a bit of damp in the corner of my room right up by the ceiling, which I risked my life cleaning because my ceiling is taller than average. I think in the olden days when my house was built they just made up how tall the ceilings were depending on how bothered they were to build walls that day. Anyway, so I cleaned the damp, then I decided the window looked scruffy, and on closer inspection there was actually mould on the glass that is my window. What the hell?! I have cleaned the window since I lived here so I know that the previous tenants didn't sploosh yoghurt on there or anything. Who would've thought glass could go mouldy?! Not me!

I feel lonely now. I don't like being by myself much, especially after spending the whole weekend in the constant company of other people. Fabulous people. I couldn't spend a weekend or even a night with people who were not fabulous. I would get annoyed and go home. I nearly went home last night, but then I remembered I was with fabulous people so I didn't have to. Also I was fucking freezing and would likely have died had I walked much further, even after having wine and sailor jerry's and pimms.

Here's a drunken statement: "I'll go home and I'll take the Shalor Jelly's with me!"

It gets dark awful early these days. I'm not sure I approve. Though it does mean that Christmas is soon. Christmas is soooooon!!!!! wooooot!

I think it was just next door being loud.

I hope.

I'm going to occupy myself elsewhere now. Elsewhere on the internet no doubt.

I need a hobby.

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