Monday, 28 November 2011


There is far far too much of it. I am a massive hoarder and I hate it. I've just got rid of a bin bag of stuff, and it's barely made a dent in the huge amount of useless things that I have. I was thinking about when I move again, which won't be soon, but I will one day, and how much CRAP I'll be carting with me again! And how I'll need a REALLY BIG PLACE to accomodate me and my cats and all my stuff. I don't even use most of it! It's so silly!

So. I've decided to sell some things, get rid of some things. I'm also trying to reduce the amount of furniture I have, because I also have a lot of furniture, having not lived somewhere that's furnished since I left home, and also enjoying having my own things (evidently). I now have a desk with barely anything on it, and a bedside table with drawers in it, which has two and a half empty drawers. I just need to find somewhere to put the rest of the crap and then I can get rid of the desk and the drawers. Yay!

Decoration are a nuisance, because you only use them once a year, yet they take up space. I have a whole treasure chest, not full of treasure, but full of Christmas decorations, and now halloween decorations also. They're nice to have and all, but only once a year. Craft stuff, too. I have LOADS of it, you know, "just in case it comes in useful one day". What a bellend. Some of it I've had for bloody YEARS, but somehow can't bring myself to part with it. I barely ever craft anymore anyway, so it's all just taking up valuable space!

It's silly really. It't not even like I'm some rich kid surrounded by all my expensive things, I don't have much in the way of expensive stuff. It's all just shitty old crap that no one wants. I must get rid of it allll!!!!

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