Thursday, 1 December 2011

ever the pessimist: next month is january

I hate January.

I really, really do.

And on today, December 1st, I was excited about Christmas for a bit, and then I realised, that it's only 31 days until the dreaded January. That awful month where we must all come down from the high for Christmas, and it seems the more the love Christmas the bigger that comedown is. I LOVE Christmas. There's nothing to look forward to until April, which of course is my birthday. The weather is always shit. Cold, wet, miserable. It's as if January was sent to remind us after Christmas that life is shit sometimes, and it can't all be merry and hopeful and exciting. Sometimes it is just downright shit.

I need to think of lots of exciting things to do in January, lest I lose the will to live.

January should be abolished and replaced with kittens and rainbows.

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