Monday, 27 February 2012

you know I'm such a fool for you

My internet is being a massive shit lately, and Orange tech support are all in India and I can't understand what they say to me and I feel rude getting them to repeat themselves thousands of times. Isn't it funny how their sales department is full of lovely northerners who make you feel happy, but their tech support is not. I feel like I'm not valued as a customer now, that they have my money and that's all that matters. My connection is so slow that it's struggling with blogger at the moment. What a shit.

I am having a bed day. I woke up at half eight and haven't yet left my bed, except to go to the loo. I want to cook some eggs but I am too comfortable. I've not had a bed day in ages, and I forgot how good they are! I d need to get up and shower at some point, but I don't need to leave the house for another two hours, so I'll wait. I might be succumbing to hunger though, so eggs may have to be cooked soon. My laptop is about hot enough to fry an egg on, so I might try that.

Lately, I've been really nostalgic. Maybe it's cause Beckoi is down at the moment. I really miss school sometimes. ughrghrgrhgrhg. I need to live in the present, not the past, but it's bloody difficult to change the whole way you see everything.

Anyway. I'm actually going to update The Daily Bake today! Myself and Beckoi made a battenburg and a cottage pie on Saturday night, so I feel the need to share this with the world. I will also upload a bunch of pictures of things that Louise and I have baked on our baking Sundays.

I'm having a bit of a Cranberries fest today. A taster thing of their new album came up on Spotify and I love it. I am also going to see Inme on March 1, which is only a couple of days away.  I want to see Lost Prophets too, but it costs £26 each. I might be able to justify it to myself.


I found loads of old shit on my laptop hidden amongst my music. That made me nostalgic too.

When I was at school, our group of friends was called The B-Mob, and we were the epitome of awesomeness. At one point we were going to make a magazine, but we never actually finished it. I found the pages I made for it though. I can't upload it cause I made it in Word, and also I don't have lots of the cool fonts I used anymores.

Here are some other things I found though:

There are seven people who will hate me for uploading this. Myself is one of them.

The fabulous Boris:

And a variety of pictures of when we were very young:

(Again, people are gonna HAAAAATE me for uploading that!)

When we were about 15 we went through a phase of writing journals in Word documents, and I found mine amongst the old crap. It was weird reading how much of a sappy, angsty teenager I really was. Good grief. Most of it was about boys, and  I suppose that's something that most teenage girls struggle with. And I guess somewhere within me I still do.

Christ, I'm not a teenager any more. I haven't been for a while.

It's nice to make new memories too, but the old memories are just SO GOOD. I suppose I've kinda put them all up there on a pedestal.

I'm gonna go back to trying to live in the present now.


  1. I forget: why did we go in the woods in the rain?

  2. It was for a geography thing. We were pretending to be in the rainforest.
