Sunrise isn't yet, it's in about an hour and forty minutes. Who knows if I'll still be awake then?
Usually I would be waking up in twenty minutes but today (which is usually my day off) I don't have to go in until 2 for a meeting, then I have a shift in the evening. I'll sleep ALL morning.
I don't honestly know why I'm still awake. Last time I did this was last summer I think, I stayed awake casually bumming around on the internets until the sun came up. It's lovely watching the sun rise from my bed, cause my window is east facing, meaning lovely colours and brightness in the morning.
Smudge is being a disobedient shit, trying to jump on top of the wardrobe. Naughty. The only thing stopping him is me shaking the bottle of water which represents his impending doom.
I want to do summery things. Kayla is organising a trip to the park next week for a picnic, but I bet it'll be raining again by then. I want to go to Brighton. I might go next monday if the weather is still nice. Hope someone will come with me though. I guess I could be AWESOME and go write my novel on the beach. That would be lovely. Kinda poetic as well.
I keep double spacing and expecting a full stop to come up automatically cause that's what happens on a Blackberry, and it's becoming such a habit. Text too much? Maybe.
Here are some things I have appreciated on my most-nighter:
see more Memebase and check out our Troll Face lols!
see more Monday Through Friday
I know that feeling well
And this:
I love passive aggressive notes, I'm so good at them too. I wish I'd kept the book from 12 Dover Street that had all our house ones in, they were hilarious!
Sleep time.
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