Saturday, 2 April 2011

the inane ramblings of a very tired person

Here is the plan:
I'm staying up all night tonight so that I will sleep well tomorrow night and be well awake on Monday morning for my 7am start.
I've been at work for 13 hours. I feel tired, but I will battle on through it. I have so much to do anyway, I haven't the time to sleep!

A list of things I need to do tonight:
- tidy the flat
- make banana muffins
- a whole essay
- think about mothers day
- panic about mothers day
- battle my sleep need
- ironing

I think I have enough to keep myself busy with. I definately do, but I still might fall asleep. I AM NOT ALLOWED.

I think I will update this blog periodically so I can one day look back on the madness that ensues when I am sleep deprived and exhausted. I am also gettgin poorly, my throat is so sore =(  but I will be okay, I have a whole carton of orange juice. Orange juice is good for you.

I think the first task I will get out of the way will be the ironing. It is also the easiest task.


It's not even 1am and I'm so tired and bored. I've done the ironing, and I've put it all away. I should do some uni work, that would make me feel super. It's just so difficult. I wish hoovering in the early hours of the morning wasn't antisocial and obscene. I want to hoover.


I keep thinking about doing some of the essay I'm supposed to be writing. I've not even started it yet, but my word count planner thingy says I should have finished it by now. Urgh. I just can't bring myself to care about socialism in the US right now, it's too hard. I want uni to be over now, I want to have hobbies again. I also want to go to bed, but alas that would ruin the plan. Instead I have binged on crackers with paste on. I love paste. I need to do this essay! I'm trying to think about how good I'll feel when it's done, but I can't get the damn thing started. I want to be a cat.


I reaally like Adele. Especially that song "Someone Like You". It's beautiful.

Nevermind, I'll find someone like you,
I wish nothing but the best for you, too,
Don't forget me, I beg,
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead,"
Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead, yeah, 


I have had a bath. I am clean now. This is not on my list of things to do, I know, but I felt it needed doing anyway. After my 13 hour shift I felt distinctly smelly. I'm not doing too well on getting through that to do list. I made a half-arsed effort to clean the kitchen, before I realised that I would just mess it up again when I make the muffs.This all nighter is proving to be rather unproductive, and I can't very well afford to waste this time. I say, while I am sat here blogging, which is also not on that to do list of mine.
I need to sort out that fact that the litter tray is making the hallway and living room REALLY SMELL. It's that worrying kind of smell where you can get used to it by being around it for a while, despite its hideousness, but then if you come in from the outaside or from another room it hits you. So while I might think I have solved the smell, it could indeed be a trick.


The night time is getting into my head. I'm having all kind of strange thoughts and emotions. I'm not sure I like it.

The next day...

so i failed, I went to bed at about half past four after finding myself asleep on the living room floor. Hopefully I will sleep alright tonight anyway, despite the plan failing...

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