Working in retail has made me into a cock. I'm watching Mary Queen of Shops, and it's one I've seen before but I'm watching it anyway. She's got loads of good points, and as a customer, before I worked in retail and when I actually used to shop, I would be completely behind her. But over the three years I've worked in a shop I've become somewhat a menace I think. She just said something like: if you're in a shop and the queue is too long (you have to wait more than three minutes) ask to see the manager and DEMAND they open up another till. But what if they don't have the staff? What if the company gives the store a shitty budget for staff and they can't afford to put more staff on? Maybe, you should just stop being such a douche, and just bloody well wait. People probably waste more of their lives watching shit on telly or looking at bollocks on the internet than a shop could ever take by making them queue, so basically, I disagree. I know full well that I shouldn't. But I do. And maybe the person behind the cash desk isn't greeting you because the previous two dozen customer didn't even bother to acknowledge that they're even a human being, didn't smile, didn't say hello, just thrust their money in their face and then went on their merry way without even a thankyou. Maybe, that's why they don't seem enthusiastic about their job, because 9 out of every 10 people treat them like shit. And no, maybe that's not you fault, maybe it's not your problem, but before plunging into some huge judgement about what an awful person they are, consider that they are just as human as you, and how awful a cashier in a shop can make you feel by not smiling and greeting you is magnified for that cashier by every single customer that doesn't acknowledge them.
Maybe we should just all treat each other a bit better. We all live in the same society, and instead of this shitty "us and them" situation we all have when we walk into shops, whether we work there or whether we're buying stuff there, we should remember that WE'RE ALL BLOODY HUMAN.
Rant over.
Now here is a picture of Biscuit looking hilarious:
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