Wednesday, 24 October 2012


I've been reading through my old  notes on Facebook because Tom was and I wondered what exactly about me he was reading. I have realised that I have become tired since 2009. Just Plain Tired. I never have enough energy to do anything ever because I use the energy I do have on working 39 hours a week at a stressful and physical job. I feel lazy as soon as I get home and my legs ache when I stand if I do the unthinkable and sit down on the sofa for too long. I feel old. I'm only 22 and my bones are starting to creak and my feet hurt like a bitch when I get up in the morning and my back aches and my neck never feels quite comfortable any more.

That's not even mentioning how I feel when asked to do something as daring as leaving the house and being sociable. It's a no go. Just the very thought makes me want to go to bed. And even if I do make it out of the house I last about an hour before I make the poor and entirely honest excuse of "I'm too tired, I'm going home to bed". What the hell is happening to me?

Here is a list of things I enjoy but always feel too tired to actually do:
- baking
- pub quiz
- social drinks
- board games
- shopping
- writing
- reading
- blogging, actually.

Yep. I feel too tired to read.


I'm gonna try do NaNoWriMo next month. We'll see how far I get with that before I'm a tired and broken heap of sleep.

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