I've got a guilty pleasure I'd like to confess to. I really like Miley Cyrus. And I especially like her song Wrecking Ball. I don't even mind the music video much even though she's all naked.
Anyway, after that shock announcement, I shall continue with more normal things.
I have two whole weeks off work, how exciting! Though for the first week I'm probably gonna end up sat around by myself for a lot of it because everyone else is at work. Tom's got the second week off and we're going to Bruges so I'll be well occupied then.
I'm gonna make a list here of things I can do to pass the time, so whenever I start moaning that I'm bored I can look at the list and be like "oh yeah, I can do all these things!" unless I feel too lazy.
- cross stitch
- drawing
- bake christmas cake
- watch the endless amount of telly I've downloaded
- go for a walk
- tackle the sewing pile
- read some books
- go for a bike ride
- play Skyrim until I get fed up with being lost
- paint the dirty chimney breast
- hang out with the cats
- write my novel
I'm thinking of doing NaNoWriMo again, but I don't think I have any solid enough ideas to write another novel yet. I've not even come close to finishing my first one, I'm still stumbling at the second draft. Redrafting is just so boring, and cause I wrote 50,000 words in a month some of it just outright makes no sense. I've realised that all the ideas I do have involve really strong female characters. I think I am a bit of a feminist. <rant>
Men as an entity just annoy me so much.
For instance, last night I went out drinking (a lot) and was dancing at the Dungeon, having a super time, when this guy started trying to dance kinda with me (not at all like in olden days). I was like "fine, whatever" until he said to me "where's the teasing?" like me being there was just for him, like I should have been teasing him, trying to please him. I was all like "mate, I'm just doing my thing" and then I was so annoyed that I went away. I hate that guys do that. Not all guys do, but it's enough that some of them do.
I would just really like to live in a world where it's not always assumed that women are out just to please guys. Yeah, some of them are, and that's their choice and I respect that too, but some girls just wanna have fun.
What annoys me most about this whole thing is that we supposedly live in an equal society. But the more subtle aspects of sexism are still there, and in a way they matter more because they're much more easy to ignore. Things like how instead of teaching men not to rape, we teach women not to get raped. What the fuck is that about? and how in the summer as a girl you can't go bloody anywhere without some stupid men wolf whistling at you or tooting their car horn because you're showing a bit of skin, cause if you didn't you'd bloody well melt. And that is an accepted thing that happens. And if you were to ever stand up to the pigs that do that shit you'd be "being uptight" or "on your period" or "need to lighten up". Equal society my arse.
Now I've finished that rant I'm gonna go back to the kitchen where I belong and make a sandwich.
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